About me

My name is Wojciech Domski.

I have obtained my PhD title in 2019 at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The topic of my PhD thesis was “Factitious force method in control of mobile manipulator mounted on skid-steering mobile platforms”.

Since 2015 I am employed at Wrocław University of Science and Technology where I work as research assistant.

During my scientific career I worked in a few research and commercial projects among which following can be included:

  • ReMeDi –European research project where the goal was to create a medical robot for remote diagnostics. It allows for remote palpation and ultrasonography examination,
  • RobRex — autonomy for rescue and exploration robots,
  • Road dryer Cemar — microprocessor controller and cloud system for a road dryer prepared for Cemar company,
  • NHS-ROBOT, OPUS 9 — Mobility of nonholonomic space robots in presence of spatially vast obstacles with angular momentum.

In your spare time you can have a look at my blog blog.domski.pl.